Monday, April 25, 2011


1-E H CARR was a famous English Historian and diplomat.
2-Author of famous work “what is history”(1961)and “A history of soviet Russia”, and “Twenty years Crisis”
3-Carr said “study historian before you begin to study history”.
4-In 1919,Carr was part of the British delegates at the Paris peace conference and was involved in drafting parts of the Treaty of Versailles relating to League of Nations.
5-To Carr “History is an unending dialogue between past and present or historian and his facts”.
6-Carr rejected the hypothesis of CLEOPATRA'S NOSE(theory of Pascal).

7-To pascal “if Cleopatra's nose were an inch longer,it would have changed the face of the world”.
8-So like Renaissance historian LORENZO VALLA also proved that DONATION OF CONSTANTINE (city of Rome to Pope) had been a forgery.
9-To Carr “history is a selective subject”.for ex:millions of people have crossed the Rubicon island,that did not became a history.But once CAESAR crossed the island ,it became a part of history”.
10-Crossing of Rubicon later became a popular idiom in English meaning “a point of no return”.
11-Caesar introduced the Julian calender in 45 BC.
12-In 1582,Julian calender was modified  by the Pope Gregory xiii   to modern Gregory calender.
13-Death of caeser was in 44 BC.
14-First Roman emperor who invaded Britain was Caesar in 55 BC.
15-It was after the BATTLE OF ZALA between Caesar and pharnaces ii of Pontus at zela (a town in ancient Asiaminor or oresent Turkey) that Caesar uttered the famous word VENI,VIDI,VICI (i came,i saw ,i conquered) in 47 BC.

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