Thursday, July 11, 2024

FYUGP Orientation Programme

 On July 10, 2024, the Department of History at KAHM Unity Women's College, Manjeri, conducted an orientation program for first-year BA History students. The program commenced at 9:30 am in classroom B303, with an inaugural address by the Head of the Department, who welcomed the students and introduced the department and the Four-Year Undergraduate Program (FYUGP).

The subsequent sessions featured lectures by faculty members, including Mr. Faizal TK, who discussed the major courses in History and their relevance; Ms. Jaseena C, who elaborated on program outcomes, program-specific outcomes, and course outcomes; and Dr. Shiji KP, who explained the available pathways, including minor and multidisciplinary options, and the flexibility of the program.

The final session was led by Mr. Murshid M, who provided an overview of Political Science as a minor program and its opportunities. The program concluded at 3:40 pm, leaving the students well-informed and enthusiastic about their academic journey in History.

The orientation program aimed to familiarize students with the department, the program, and the various opportunities available to them. The faculty members' lectures and discussions helped students understand the curriculum, outcomes, and pathways, preparing them for a successful and fulfilling academic experience.

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