Thursday, March 31, 2011

The American Revolution

The American Revolution

Question V-1-7: Discuss the main causes of American Revolution? What were its effects?
Describe in brief the main causes of American Revolution.
AnswerCauses of the American Revolution:The American Revolution was the most important event of the eighteenth century in the history of world. The American colonies shook off the slavery of Britain by this revolution. The Britain had thirteen colonies in America. The British Emperor was the ruler of those colonies. In 1772, the settlers of the colonies revolted against Britain. In history, this revolt is famous as the American Revolution for Independence.

The change in the attitude of the Americans was the main cause of the American Revolution.
Lack of Love for England in Colonies: - The settlers in America never developed confidence in Britain from where they had come. They hated and doubted the British .
Divergent Objectives: - There were divergence and conflict between objectives of the Americans and the British Government on many grounds liked economic, religious and political.
Love for Freedom and Aspiration for Progress: -The Americans of colonies were freedom loving, courageous and intrepid people. Their aspiration for freedom and democratic setup placed them in opposition to imperialistic policies of Britain. British administration worked only for British Island.
Improper Trade laws and Increase in Taxes: - British Parliament passed numerous laws concerning American trade, shipment, and navigation, which extremely hurt the business interest of North colonies in America.
Rise of New Institutions: - The new institutions in social, political and economic spheres of American life, which had emerged in response to American conditions since 1600, had given them a distinctive American identity.
All the above views are of American historians which are strongly contented by British historians.


The main social classes of American society were Business class, Planters, Commission Agents, Speculators etc. They were suffering at the hands of the British economic policies.
Commercial and Navigation Acts: - The American Commerce and Navigation Acts passes by British Government were hurting the trade interest of Northern American Colonies.
Economic Policy towards South: - The Southern American Colonies had estranged relations with the British traders due to imbalance of trade.
Land Lease Act: - The American land speculators suffered due to the British check on colonization towards the west coast of America.


The American stopped paying their religious taxes when the priests turned corrupt.
The American opposed the political participation of the religious people.
The American Protestants were against the Anglican Church of England.

The British Government made the Americans pay for the protection from France and the Red Indians. The American did not find it judicious.

Three Points Policy of Granville: - Granville, who became the Prime Minister in 1763, tried to execute the Navigation Acts, made the Americans pay for the standing army and imposed the direct taxes on the Americans.
Writs of Assistance: - With the motive of implementing the Navigation Acts, the Custom officials were empowered with the Writs of Assistance.
Stamp Act: - To increase the revenue from the American colonies, the Stamp Duty was imposed.
Virginia Proposal: - Under this proposal Patrick Henry sought equal status and rights for American with British nationals from the main land.
Townshend Act: - When the Stamp Act was revoked due to strong protest of American, Townshend imposed new taxes on specific items like paints, paper, glass, tea etc. He also strictly imposed the Custom laws.
Boston Massacre: - Boston Massacre took place on March 5, 1770. The incidence took place when the Boston people were objecting to the camping of soldiers in Massachusetts.
Tea Act and Boston Tea Party: - Lord North imposed tax on the import of tea to America. It aimed at maintaining the claim of Britain to collect taxes from Americans. The American dumped the tea worth 10000 pounds in the sea off the Boston shores on December 16, 1770.

Intolerable Acts of 1774 - A Retaliation
Protestant of North part of colonies.
First Continental Congress: - On September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia, the first session of 'Continental Congress' was held
Two main policy decisions were taken against the British government.
The British Parliament did not give any positive response and reacted by passing a 'Restraining Act' which were against the American trade with West Indies. It also declared Massachusetts as rebellious colony and caring little for the warning of the Continental Congress, ordered forces against Massachusetts. The General Gage attacked Lexington and Concord near Boston.
The Second Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence: - As decided earlier, the American colonies met on May 10, 1775, in Philadelphia. They declared the Britain the aggressor. They snapped their ties with the Crown and the king George III. They resolved to fight.
Peace Treaty of Paris (1783) and Recognition to United States (U.S.): - The war ended in peace treaty signed in Paris. The main provision were : -
Britain recognized the independence of colonies and accepted to withdraw.
Great Lakes fixed the boundaries of United States in North and 31' north latitude in South.

America emerged as an independent country.
England abandoned the path of mercantilism. New trade relations were established between America and Britain.
America adopted a written constitution.
America was able to push out Spain later.
The England changed her colonial policy. It was because of this change that British Commonwealth of Nations was established.
The American Revolution also ended the personal rule of George III in England. The parliamentary Acts curtailed the powers of the Emperor. It, on the other hand, increases the power of the institution of 'Cabinet'.
The free America faced numerous social and economic problems. It led to American Civil War later.
The American industry developed rapidly after the independence.
The America was the first nation to declare herself as a secular country just after her independence.
Many political and social changes took place in America after the independence, her laws of inheritance changed.
The American Revolution had worked as a source of inspiration to other colonies to think of their independence from England.
Many historians have tries to show that American Revolution was an indirect cause of French Revolution of 1789.

There were far reaching consequences for the whole world for a long time to come of the American War of Independence. It had given inspiration to the colonies to struggle for their independence. It made the first successful experiment of running the government on the democratic principles. The common man got the right to franchise. The decline of mercantilism began as a result of American Revolution. It had also been a cause of French Revolution. The Federal form of Government is considered the result of the American Revolution. The principle of Secularism was practiced for the first time in America.
  No doubt and it is not an exaggeration, that it had completely transformed the social traditions and thoughts of the human society.

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