Thursday, March 31, 2011

Louis XIV – The Sun King and the Great Enlightened Monarch

Louis XIV – The Sun King and the Great Enlightened Monarch

Question: III-1- 4: Briefly discuss the main achievements of Louis XIV of France. Why is he called the ‘Sun King’?

Answer: In 1643, Louis XIV took over the emperor of France. He was hardly five years old at that time. Upto 1661, Cardinal Mazarin ruled France for the young king.

Mazarin Period:

1. Peace with Neighbours: Mazarin secured the borders of France from the Habsburg dynasty ruling over Austria and Spain. He signed the pace of Westphalia with Austria in 1648 and the treaty of Pyrenees with Spain in 1659. It helped Louis later to raise the prestige of France and his Bourbon family.
2. Popular Revolt - Fronde: Mazarin was able to suppress the popular revolt, which is popular in French history as Fronde. It was the revolt of the people of Paris Parliament against Mazarin. There were following results: (1). The nobles became weak before the authority of the Emperor. (2). The Parliament of Paris was weakened and the Emperor was able to establish his authority. (3) The Parliament lost the power over the financial and political matters before the rulings given by the Emperor. (4) The royal authority was placed on firmer grounds. It later helped Louis to establish the authority of his rule in France.

The Age of Louis XIV

3. Establishment of Absolute Rule: It was Louis XIV who was able to make the Europe believe in the principle of divine right of monarchical absolutism. He brought the rule of the empire in direct control of his hand in 1661 after the death of his mentor Mazarin. He achieved it by his deeds and personality as the Emperor of France. It made the French people loyal to the French Emperor till the days of the French Revolution. His ideology was framed by the guidance of his tutor Bossuet. The Emperor learned and was fixed the belief that he was having divine blessings. That, his main aim was the welfare of the nation and he is answerable to god for that. That what so ever he thought and deemed it right to do, all that was guided by the God himself. With such a mental grooming, he achieved the honour for France not only in internal matters but also in the European politics. He became the role model of rest of the kings of Europe who were getting freedom from dependence upon their feudal lords.
4. Method of Ruling: Louis XIV showed to European Emperors that what they should do in their offices. He established an organised central government. He appointed ministers on all the departments himself who were subordinate to the emperor in real sense. Before him, the ministers used to dominate the kings. Similarly, he appointed obedient intendents and local officials at provincial level who directly reported to him. He devoted all his time to run the administration. He adopted the principle that one reigns by work and for work. In this manner, he became the role model for other upcoming monarchies, which were coming out of the shadow of Feudalism. He worked incessantly for France and liked to equate his continous activity to the movements of Sun god Apollo.
5. Development of Art and Literature: The field of architecture, sculpturing, music, and French literature made tremendous progress during the reign of Louis XIV. His period is called the Golden Period of French art. The palace of Versailles was the main centre of artistic activities. The leading personalities of his period in various of field of art were Mansart in architecture, La Brun in Painting, Girardon in sculpturing, Lully in music, La Foantaine, Madam de Savigne and Bossuet in literature and history.
6. Financial Reforms: The financial reforms in France were undertaken under supervision of the emperor by Colbert. Colbert removed the corrupt officers, revoked the indirect taxes on the common man, improved the breed of cattle and horses, encouraged agriculture by improving road and river transport, removed the illogical toll taxes. He made tremendous progress in the field of agricultural reforms. He was not in favour of industrialization but the king contributed in the field of industrialization.
7. Industrial and Commercial Reforms: Louis XIV carried the principles of Colbert for financial reforms in the field of industry and commerce. He encouraged the expert artisans and technicians to migrate to France from foreign countries. He introduced new industries in France. He is credited with introduction of Silk industry in France. He improved the conditions in the old industries of France. As a result of such reforms, the production in field of ship building, textiles, glass etc improved. He imposed tariff walls against import to France, encouraged French export by reducing taxes and giving special facilities in shipping. Similarly he also acquired colonies and bought areas for the improvement of the French trade and industry. He also established East India Company.
8. Strengthened Navy: Louis XIV improved the harbours and strengthen the French Navy for the benefit of the French trade, commerce and industry. He encouraged ship building. He improved the harbours of Toulon, Brest etc. He also recruited the best sailors in his navy. It not only improved the trade and commerce of France, but also made France a Naval power.
9. Religious Policy: Louis XIV was supporter of the Roman Catholic Church and strongly against the Protestants. He abolished the Edict of Nantes (1598) which ended the religious freedom to the Protestants in their areas. He appointed the Roman Catholics on important posts and adopted discriminatory policies towards the Protestants. He even oppressed them.
10. Versailles Palace: Louis XIV constructed an imposing palace at Versailles which 12 miles away from Paris. This palace became the cultural centre of France as well as of Europe. The palace was adorned by the leading artists of its times. It also helped the emperor to divert the attention of nobles from the political activities. The nobles got engaged in the cultural activities and overlooked their duties. It provided the opportunity to Louis XIV to consolidate his autocratic control over rest of France. The nobles started paying more attention to win over the favour of the monarch. It also helped the emperor to impress the rest of Europe with his prosperity.
11. Foreign Policy: Among the reforms, his foreign policy can also be counted as it helped France to establish herself as a European power for the first time. His foreign policy is identified with four wars which he undertook through out his tenure. They were as follows:
a). The War of Devolution 1667-68: Louis XIV fought this war on the question of inheritance of his queen Maria Teresa to the property in Netherlands. France was able to acquire the areas of Belgium from the treaty of Aix – la – Chapelle.
b). War with Holland 1672 – 1678: This war was fought because Holland had tried to organise a forum against the claim and activities of France during the War of Devolution. It was settled by treaty of Nimwegen where in France got French Comte.
c). War with League of Augusburg 1688 -1697: This war was fought against Austria because she had organised a League of Augusburg against the rising influence and expanding territory of France. France got Strasbourg out of the treaty of Ryswick which was signed to end this war.
d). War of Spanish Succession: 1701 – 1713: Louis XIV was able to seat his grandson Philip of Anjou on the throne of Spain by the treaty of Utrect.
On the whole, France suffered great expenditure because of the wars. However, Louis XIV was able to impart political unity and prestige to France in Europe.
12. Louis XIV- A Sun King: The tittle Sun King was chosen by the Emperor Louis XIV for himself on his own and he is remembered as the Sun King among the enlightened monarchs of Europe. The sun is associated with the Grecian God Apollo. Apollo was the god of peace and art. The sun is also a heavenly body which is source of life. Louis XIV who was a great patron of art, guarantor of peace and prestige and richest monarch who dispensed bounties, loved to follow the example of sun in his ways and acts. He adopted this title when he himself played the role of Sun in the Ballet de la Nuit and felt infatuated by the character. He also raised the Apollo Salon in his palace. He also raised a garden where in the path of Sun was depicted. He loved to project himself as working incessantly like the activity of the Sun. Apart from being called as the Grand Enlightened monarch, he is also popular as Sun King in history.

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