Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bhakti Saints of medieval india-psc

Bhakti Saints of medieval india-psc
1-Ramanuja - In 11th century Ramanuja tried to assimilate Bhakti to the tradition of Vedas. He argued
that grace of God was more important than knowledge about him in order to attain salvation. The tradition
established by Ramanuja was followed by number of thinkers such as Madhavacharya, Ramananda,
Vallabhacharya and others.

2-Jnandeva (1275-96 AD) - He was progenitor of Bhakti movement in Maharashtra.
3- Namdeva (1270-1350 AD) - He was a Nirguna Upasaka. Some of his abhangas are included in
Guru Granth Sahib.
4-Ekanath (1548 AD) - He was opposed to caste distinction and evinced greatest sympathy for men of low caste.
5-Tukaram - He was a farmer’s son and a great devotee of Vitthal.
6-Ramadasa (1608) -- He established ashramas all over India. It was from him that Shivaji received the
inspiration to overthrow Muslim authority and found the kingdom.
7-Gurunanak (1469-1539 AD) - He was a mystique of Nirguna School. But his followers branched off
from Hinduism and founded a separate religious system. He became a wandering preacher of a casteless, universal, ethical, anti-ritualistic and monotheistic and highly spiritual religion.
8-Surdasa (1483-1513 AD) - He belongs to Saguna School. He was a disciple of famous religious teacher
Vallabhacharya. He sang the glory of Krishna’s childhood and youth in his Sursagar.
9-Tulsi Das (1532-1623 AD)- He belongs to Saguna school of Hindu Mystics. He composed the famous Ramacharitamanas.
10-Another popular movement, which arose around the 12th century, was Lingayat or Vir Shaiva movement. Its founder was Basava and his nephew Channabasava who lived at the courts of Kalchuri kings of Karnataka.
13-In South, the Bhakti movement was led by a series of popular saints called Nayanars and Alvars. The chief
object of their worship was Shiva and Vishnu respectively. They spoke and wrote in Tamil and Telugu.

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