Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hindu Religious Ideas-ugc

Hindu Religious Ideas-ugc

1-Vishishtadvaita of Ramanuja
It means qualified monoism. The ultimate reality according to it is Brahma (God) who is imminent in matter and individual souls and controls them from within.
2-Sivadvaita of Srikanthacharya
He propounded the view that Shiva endowed with Shakti is ultimate Brahma who pervades the universe and exists beyond it.
3-Dvaita ofMadhavachaiya
According to this dualism the world is not an illusion but
reality full of real distinctions. God, matter and soul are all unique in their nature and are irreducible to each other.

4-Dvaitadvaita ofNimbark-acharya
According to this dualistic monoism Brahma really transformed himself into the world and souls, which are real
and distinct and different from God, but cannot exist without its support.
5-Suddhadvaita of Vallabha-charya
Vallabha’s philosophy is known as Pushtimarga (the path of grace) and his school by the name of Rudrasampradaya. Brahma is identified with Sri Krishna. Salvation is through
Sneha (deep-rooted and all surpassing love for God).
6-Achintyabhedavada of Chaitanya
God according to Chaitanya is Krishna. He is infinite life and bliss.He is full of infinite power and consciousness. Radha is the power of Krishna, there is no difference between him and
Radha. Although infinite he incarnates in form of finite
mortals and is subject to love.Bhakti or devotion is only means of liberation. Chaitanya spread the message that Raag Marg or path of spontaneous love was the best for salvation.

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