Institute for Social and Economic Change
(ISEC) multi-disciplinary social science research institute
established by Prof. V.K.R.V Rao in 1972, funded by the Indian Council of
Social Science Research (ICSSR) and the Government of Karnataka. The thrust of
the institute is to integrate the social science research skills in initiating,
complementing, participating and furthering the social, economic and political
changes of the societies with an emphasis on equity and justice. Prof. Rao’s
vision was to build purposeful interactions within social science disciplines
as well as with other life science streams to create a strong interdisciplinary
work. ISEC’s concern for the social and economic welfare of the poor and
disadvantaged groups reflects strongly in the large number of studies it has
undertaken to understand the various dimensions of poverty and human
development. Analytical and applied research studies particularly in
policy-related areas have also been areas of priority at ISEC. Central, state
and local level governments have come to rely on the Institute for evaluation
of various policies and programmes.