Friday, June 3, 2011

Decline of the Gupta Empire-ugc

Decline of the Gupta Empire-ugc

1-By the second half of the fifth 5th c A.D.. the Gupta Empire got considerably weakened.
2-The Huns attacked from the north and occupied not only Punjab and Rajasthan, but eastern Malwa and a good portion of central India. 3.Inscriptions of Huns have been found in central India.
4-Internally, the Governors appointed by the Gupta kings tended to become

5-By the beginning of the sixth century A.D., they had started issuing land grantsin thtir own right. 6.Especially, the loss of western India deprived the Guptas of the rich
revenues from trade and commerce. 7-Maintenance of a large professional army and the practice of land grants, for religious and other purposes, became more and more difficult
with depleted economic resources.
8-As the economy began to break down, the demand for crafts and commodities was greatly reduced, leading to many of the skilled workers taking up non-productive professions. 9-The migration of a guild of silk-weavers from Gujarat to  Malwa in 473 A.D. is one such instance.
10-Thus, both internal and external factors, as described above, combined and led to a decline of the Gupta empire.
11-This fragented empire could hardly provide the social and intellectual milieu for the growth of science.
12-With the decline of Gupta empire, the Indian society entered a long phase of turmoil and conflict.
13-The only exception was the Chola empire in southern India, where the techniques and crafts prospered once again, as in the Gupta period.

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